
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Meters Won't Help Susan

If there is one person in DC who seems to have nothing but bad luck with cabs, it's my friend Susan. I've told her several times that she should be a co-contributor to this blog, but she won't do it. She does keep me up to date on her run of bad cab luck.

Last night - trying to get a cab to go home (for those who are joining this story in progress, Susan has very bad knees and can't go up & down bus stairs, and metro doesn't go to her house), she had two cabs pass her by without stopping, then no cabs for 10 minutes or so, then three cabs coming in a row. She knew her luck had changed! The first cab sped by without stopping (there was a passenger in it). The second cab sped by without stopping (no passenger), but the third cab stopped! There were three passengers. The door opened and one passenger got out. The other two stayed and the cab sped off.

Apparently she did finally get a cab a few minutes later - but only Susan could have three cabs in a row go by without stopping for her.


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Dear DC Cab Rider: Have you ever heard of a cab driver (I believe his last name is Williams) who makes political jokes during the ride? He's an older (60s-80s) African-American man and he is absolutely HILARIOUS. I'm trying to get in touch with him. Have you ever heard of someone matching his description? His jokes usually involve his calling up "Condi" on the phone and "trying to put a rock on her finger." Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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  3. That driver doesn't ring a bell, but he sounds like one that it would be fun to have. Try posting your question over on Mad Cabbie's site (the link is 2nd one over in my Cab related folks link list) - he & his buddies might know the driver you're looking for.

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    ...does Susan use crutches, or is there something about her that makes drivers pass by? Does she have trouble raising her arm to flag a cab? Is it because of her skin color? What's causing her bad luck?

  5. She's white, has bad knees so can't climb the metro bus steps some days, and goes from downtown to out Wisconsin Avenue. She's had drivers ask her to get out of the cab after she says where she's going. Mostly I think she's just a bad luck magnet for cabs.

  6. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Asking her to get out once they have obtained the destination = "failure to haul." Failure to haul is a $250 fine. She needs to start filing complaints to keep cabbies honest instead of just complaining about them.
