In District BM (Before Meters), drivers could cram as many riders into the cab as they could get, all going different places. In District AM, that option official exists only from Union Station. So I was a little surprised to have been in two cabs in the past few weeks doing ride sharing. Each time the first person in (once it was me) was on the meter, and the 2nd person in (other time me) was given a price that basically corresponded to the BM rate days.
Am wondering if others have noticed that ride sharing seems to be making a comeback.
It tells you something about what the drivers thought about BM. The drivers will resist change with all they have if they think the former way was more profitable (whether it really was or not). Here we had a gasoline surcharge that has been abolished since the price of gas dropped but I am constantly getting calls from customers telling me the drivers still have surcharge stickers in their cars and try to charge the surcharge.
ReplyDelete'Down and backs', as some dispatchers call them, are still banned, except, as you cite, at the Station. Still, there are those who will try it, despite the rules.
ReplyDeleteAs a dispatcher, I will sometimes double or even triple up the Medicaid contracts to or from Hospital Hill, especially. You can get away with that because the Medicaid provider, not the passenger, is paying for the cab. Actually, it is my tax dollars that are paying for it.
When the Commission Chair tried to take away the gasolene surcharge at a Commission meeting, the motion died for lack of a second. So, he took what he called 'emergency action' to take it away. The Chair is on record as stating that he does not need the Commission to do anything. It appears that the new way of doing things under Dear Revered Leader Kim il-Fenty will be that the People's Taxikab Kommissariat will be given the opportunity to rubber stamp the dictates of the Supreme Taxikab Kommissar, who will receive his orders from The Great Hall of the People at 1350 1/2 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Should the Kommissariat refuse to rubber stamp, the Kommissar will simply take 'Emergency Action'.
When the motion came to rescind the gasolene surcharge, Commissioner Tapscott pointed out that they were taking money from us and giving us back nothing. They wanted to do this at the same time that they knew that we were working for 1989 cab rates and that they were 'working on' adjusting the rates to something more in line with 2008 costs of living. As we can see, they can take from us yesterday, but they must take forever and 'work on' giving us anything.
Such is the history of the D.C. Gubbamint's mistreating of the cab drivers. Police, police, punish and police, but DO NOT, under any circumstances, protect them or do anything to help them. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they can take from us, but how long it takes them to give us anything, EVEN a living wage.
You all sound, WHITE!!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously...y'all sound bitch-made. Complaining about cab-bunching/cramming!? Good luck even getting one to even STOP for you, paying w/o "cash-in-hand," Unless you're 'blanquito'...Cry me a f•cking river!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL Anonymous. Talk about "sounding" something baby white boy - put the mask away and don't try it if you can't pull it off.