Thursday, March 16, 2006

Yes I Have a Boyfriend, even if I don't

Just because I've signaled for a cab and I'm traveling by myself, it doesn't mean I'm looking for a date. But how many times have I gotten into a cab and had the driver ask, after a few minutes, if I'm married. Do I have a boyfriend?

No, I do not want to go out with you. I don't know you. I know the back of your head.

What IS this? I don't get hit on with such regularity by clerks in the 7-11, or by repairmen in my apartment, or by bus drivers or guys on the metro. I may be in your car, but your car is an office space.


At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know what kind of cab drivers you ride with. I have never asked anyone riding in my cab about their relationshis.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger DC Cab Rider said...

Glad to hear that. You seem to be the only one. This is one of the number one complaints I hear from my girlfriends as well.

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Mad Cabbie said...

Maybe its a fiendly conversation, why are you in a hurry to twist the driver's intent, maybe its a culture thing. Most cab drivers don't give a shit about their passenger's love life, the weather or who is in the final four, infact most drivers I know prefer not to talk and focus on their driving and listen to their dispatcher on the radio.

Maybe your one track mind is the problem, you ever think of that?

At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drive cab in DC.I am never sure if I should start a conversation or not because it's hard to figure out the mood of the person. I usually don't start the conversation if the passenger starts the conversation, I'll talk.
One thing that bothers me the most is the couples on late weekend nights getting in the cab and start getting all lovey dubby. Can't they wait to get to their place.ARRR

At 8:20 PM, Blogger DC Cab Rider said...

LOL - taxistories, such a guy thing to say. I've had many fun conversations with taxi drivers without starting a single one of them. I'm quite happy to ride just looking out the window and thinking about the day, but will speak if spoken to. I've talked with drivers about my work, their work, weather, politics, all sorts of things. All fine and dandy. But I do not like being hit on when I'm a cab passenger, none of my female friends do either.

Anonymous, can't blame you for wanting to ditch the lovers in a cab. LOL.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Truckmann said...

It's normally me that gets propositioned by the ladies.......and the men!!

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Cab driver in Montréal and I keep saying to people :"Do a complaint, the guy won't lose his job for that, but at least the cie will tell him. From there he'll reajust his manners with people."

Ain't no problems to make a complainte, don't worry about it and do it. If you don't feel comfortable with somebody you don't know at 2 am in the morning, we need to know. Our job is to drive you home in the safer way possible. You're not suppose to get out of any taxi and be sad.

ain't got more time...


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