No Drinking While Riding?
WaPo has a story today about drivers in Minneapolis who won't take you as a passenger if you're drinking. Mad Cabbie wouldn't have any passengers left if that was the way of things here!
From the story -
We asked Adan if he'd give us a ride, and let us interview him while he was driving. He agreed. CNN Photojournalist Derek Davis set up a "lipstick" cam, a small camera, positioned on the dashboard.
From the back seat, I asked why Adan would object if I were carrying alcohol.
"The one who drinks, the one who transports, and the one who makes a business of it, they have the same category," he said.
"So, by my transporting my alcohol in your cab, you are sinning?" I asked.
"Sinning to God, yes," he replied.
Adan is not alone. About three quarters of the 900 cabbies serving the airport are Muslim, and many have been regularly refusing passengers carrying beer, wine or liquor.
So much has happened
Yup, been quiet lately. Where to start. Oh who knows. Learned in December that I had to leave my great apartment in Columbia Heights. I thought I had more time than I did. But turns out I had to leave by the first week in January. So I'm out of there and moved in with a friend. The only place we could afford is over on Connecticut Ave. with all the dull folk. It's definately not a neighborhood in any sense of the word. But it's affordable. Who would think that my apartment that has been only blocks away from murders, and the block of so many muggings would now be part of a building being sold for a huge chunk of change.
Anyhow, finally got most of our stuff moved in, lots still in boxes. Still trying to figure my way around. At some point I'll start posting again. I have to learn new taxi rates! I have no idea how much it costs to take a cab from here. Probably more than I can afford. More later.